
Hua T O Case

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respectively. Dioscorides stated bluntly that the plant which was used in the making of rope also produced a juice that was used to treat earache and suppress sexual longing." People knew of its healing properties but its use wasn’t necessarily used as much.
In the year 200, a Chinese Surgeon named Hua T'o created an anesthetic using cannabis. In ancient China, it was believed that surgery was only to be done as a last resort and doctors preferred simple treatments because of the pain involved in surgery. Hua T'o solved this problem by preparing an herbal solution of hemp in the form of a tea that his patients would consume. Professor Ernest L. Abel said, “Chinese surgeon Hua T'o performed surgeries such as "organ grafts, resectioning of intestines, laparotomies (incisions into the loin), and thoracotomies (incisions into the chest)... rendered painless by means of ma-yo, an anaesthetic made from cannabis resin and wine." Hua T’o performed highly difficult procedures for his time that would have caused extreme pain and been impossible to complete if it hadn’t been for the anaesthetic he invented. …show more content…

The Arabic doctors studied the works of the Ancient Greeks as their education to become medical professionals. Thus, the Ancient Greeks’ use of cannabis was implemented and experimented with by the doctors of the time. Profesor Indalecio Lozano said, “The first mention of the curative power of hemp in Arabic literature was by Ibn Masawayh (al-Razi 1968, XXI i, p. 124) (d. 857 A.D.), who refers to the oil obtained from hemp seeds and applied in drops into the ear as having the virtue of drying out the ‘‘moisture’’ (rut· uba) generated by this organ, a curative property which later physicians attribute to the juice of these seeds.” While Masawayh used cannabis as a medicine, he didn’t know the full of extent of its

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