
Human Nature : Humans And Humans

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On the Subject of Being Human Anything on this earth that falls under the scientific classification of homo sapiens is a human being. From the time of introduction to this earth to present day, we as a species have advanced socially, physically, cognitively, and technologically. With the introduction of religion and philosophical movements we’ve pondered our existence as human beings and emphasized our superiority over other beings, and other human beings. Humans distinguish themselves from other animals and take pride in their humanity, but when presented with its counterpart, inhumanity, it is treated as an exception to human nature. Animals kill one another for survival, yet people murder one another for reasons other than survival. In fact, people murder each other out of envy and sadism. Moreover, people torture one another in a manner that mimics the torture of animals by humans. Additionally, there’s the enslavement, mass murder, and an abundance of other crimes against “humanity”. However, the antecedent to defining humanity is understanding what it means to be inhuman. The issue is complex, and often brings about questions that prove to be paradoxical in their nature. Defining what it means to be human from one perspective is dangerous, thereby making it extremely pertinent analyze humanity and inhumanity from the cross-cultural perspective. Through the continual analyzation of texts and films centered around other cultures, I have formulated my own understanding

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