
Human Resource Management : A Meta- Analysis On Strategies, Testing And, And Developmental Stages

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UMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT : A Meta- Analysis on Strategies, Testing and

Developmental Stages in the Canadian Business Setting.

Joanny Belgica Vautour and Jules Verc Chomsky

Cornell University


In the recent years, studies which focus on the Canadian perspective in terms of strategies and redefining testing methods used in many businesses were still inadequate to provide a better understanding as well as solution towards Effective Human Resources Management. I have developed new principles together with my colleague Jules at Cornell University to enrich Canadian Business Standard setting and elevate the employment capacity of some Canadian large companies.

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Susan Ward(TB, 2016) talks about the different hiring shortcuts which are made available to new applicants which we find realistically speaking very modern and applicable to this new era of technology. Part 3 examines the different developmental stages in the recruitment process and how employers should go about it. We discuss new ways toward a better recruitment process and at the same time see the importance of incentives or perks to employees.

In this changing world, our global business theories and literature have implications toward the future. The future of this growth and success depends largely on the key component which is Human Resource Management. So, we as researchers hope to enlighten and inform you as employers the significance of an effective solution that both understands your employees and is beneficial to your company. That is why we offer our recommendations in the end of this article based on our findings.


The recruitment literature according to Breaugh and Starke (JoM, 2000) had been bombarded by criticisms for the lack of substantiated research materials and unanswered questions. The Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology by Guion 1976, devoted one chapter only about recruitment process despite the numerous studies published during 1976. There were questions circulating in the recruitment literature which failed to address the key factors

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