
Human Resource Management Practice Strategies

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Human Resource Management Practice
Certain combinations of human resource management practices lead to superior outcomes for organizations. The HR combination department is at the heart of organizational performance, productivity, turnover, profits, and market value outcomes. Employees are considered a source of non-duplicable and sustainable competitive advantage. By using the combinations in capabilities, resources, relationships and decisions presented by employees, organizations strategically position themselves thus avoiding threats and maximizing opportunities. Organizations and HR combinations managers aim to generate strategic capacity by ensuring that an organization acquires a skilled, committed and motivated workforce. Integration of HR combinations issues, organization performance and HR management systems in organizational strategic processes serve as a solution to business problems. The need to create and manage capabilities and skills and align such capabilities to organizational performance and future needs drives Human Resource Management. As such, the HR department plays a greater role in planning and implementing a coherent approach in designing and managing personnel systems and matching HR activities and policies to the overall business goals.
The HR department is responsible for the proper management of employees in order to ensure business success. Among the HR combinations, related issues, which contribute to business failure, include employee

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