
Human Resource Planning : An Important Area Of The Organisation

Satisfactory Essays

Strategic human resource management Assignment 2
Name: Muhammad Zakaullah khan
Completed: 30/08/15
Student id number: 144014
Lecturer’s name: DAVID Greenshields

Human resource planning is an important area of the organisation which deals with all primary activities and its identifies the current and future needs of organisation. It includes hiring, firing, managing, training, developing and rewarding people within the organisation.
2.1: Analyse the business factors that underpin human resource planning in organisation.
Human resource planning is the series of continuing process of determining the needs of an organisation and plans them according to the company need. The reason behind the human resources are planned is because of the basic need of the successful business. By doing planning its helps the organisation to get rid of wasted time and resources by preparation, that process is divided into many different stages like.
• Forecasting demand of human resources
• The supply of human resources
• Analysing the current factor of human resources utilisation
• Developed action plans
• The planning process.
Human resources management is the process of developing the employees so they become more valuable for the organisation. The individuals who are working sincerely and contributes in achieving success of the organisation or business. The term human resource management and human resource (HRM AND HR) has largely replaced with the term of

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