
Human Resources Essay

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Human Resource Management This module on human resource management reinforced some things that I already learned about human resource management, but more importantly, it introduced changes that have occurred since my last exposure to this topic. The technical advances in using the Internet as a resource to source for employees is a major change since my last exposure to this topic. Another area of change is the trend for outsourcing of employees. I managed an outsourced company that was hired to perform service on Xerox equipment in a specified territory. The type of work was just as the textbook described a repetitive type task. I learned from the text the reasoning and bottom line improvements that the company gained from the …show more content…

One new solution is outsourcing. This concept allows the company to outsource a particular function. My involvement in outsourcing involved managing a service team of 30 individuals who worked for an independent agency. The agency had a contract to perform service on a specified territory and customer base. I learned that I could not manage the individuals, but I had to manage to the contractual agreement signed by the agency manager. Other alternatives to outsourcing are contingency workers, which reduces the overhead expenses for companies. Contingency workers can be used for short-term spikes in the workflow and not cause an increased expense in hiring and paying benefits. The concept of employee leasing is becoming increasingly prevalent in the work place. The idea did not exist in my work environment ten years ago. The process of recruitment is both external and internal to the company. The internal process described in the textbook is similar to what I have been involved in.. We use an electronic means to display all available positions on an internal web site. The jobs can be searched by organization or by state and city location. The job descriptions and qualifications are well defined. Employees can post for jobs with their manager's approval. The external process of recruitment uses many means to attract

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