
Humans : Humans Are Humans

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Humans Are Humans Are Humans By no means has humanity ever appeared simplistic. No philosopher has ever defined humanity with ease and no theologist with pleasure. Always multifaceted, rarely quixotic, and commonly a source of momentous curiosity, humanity provides the intrinsic designs for the world at large. Society, culture, and life as the world’s inhabitants know it today originate from the nebulosity that is humanity. Peculiar and difficult to pin down, the definition of humanity encapsulates boundless concepts that intertwine and overlap, skewing individualized definitions to make them subjective instead of objective and, consequently, making humanity itself harder to define. Attributes that span the globe and apply to nearly all forms of society, however, include the mental capacity of intelligence, the ability to communicate, and the capacity for emotion. Combined, one way or another, these attributes imbibe humanity with its most essential meaning. Furthermore, considering the novels 1984 by George Orwell, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, and Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis can enable oneself to envision the possible desolation of humanity in the circumstances prospected by each novel. Destined to perish due to a paucity of the attributes that make it humane, the society’s future in 1984 looks the bleakest. Brave New World appears to be poorly off as well; however, Weston, Devine, and Ransom from Out of the Silent Planet share the most promising

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