
How Does Shelley Explore Ideas And Warnings?

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Frankenstein is full of ideas and warnings, which are relevant to a modern day audience; in what ways does Shelley explore.

Frankenstein Coursework

Q. Frankenstein is full of ideas and warnings, which are relevant to a modern day audience; in what ways does Shelley explore these ideas?

The novel Frankenstein is set in the pre 1914’s, when there were theories on certain things that they did not understand. It is full of darkness and tragedy in some places. In the book, Mary Shelley the writer, talks about many ideas and warnings, which are relevant to modern day audiences, this essay will explain these.

Mary Shelley was only 19 years old when she wrote the book on summer
1816. She was married to Percy Shelley, who was …show more content…

A mummy again endured animation could not be so hideous as that wretch. He uses the term ‘Monster’ to describe his creation thereafter. God/Parents as our designer should teach us everything not just dispose of us. This is relevant to a modern day audience, because children are being abandoned at birth, and are growing up as Orphans.

Shelley creates suspense in the book by using techniques, throughout the book to catch the reader’s attention. She uses very dramatic words, for the reader to sympathize more against the monster. A technique she used all the way through the book is ‘Pathetic Fallacy’.
This is when the writer uses the weather to describe the mood of the current scene. An example of this is in chapter 5 when Frankenstein is gathering the parts for his monster and he quotes

‘It was one in the morning, the rain pattering dismally against the panes, and my candle was nearly burnt out’.

This sets the scene very well. Mary Shelly didn’t decide to use any type of weather for this scene, because it wouldn’t look dark and build tension enough. For example a sunny weather would probably be used to show a happy mood of a scene.

An important theme she uses is ‘Nature & Nurture’. The word Nurture means not looked after. So this brings us to the point if the monster acts the way he does, because he hasn’t been looked after. We could compare this to a baby; a baby doesn’t know what it should and

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