
Illegal Immigration Dbq

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1a. A couple of facts that counters the image of illegal immigrants as criminals include, “The anti-immigrant forces draw, for example, on the ‘2006 (first quarter) INS [immigration and Naturalization service/FBI statistical report on undocumented Immigrants’ with its array of alarming statistics about illegal immigrants and crime to make their case that undocumented immigrants not only break the law entering the country but also break the laws, with a proclivity to violent crimes, once they make their homes here.” And, “One of the most disturbing findings of the IPC study was that immigrant children and immigrants with many years in the country are more likely to become criminals than first-generation immigrants or those with less than 15 …show more content…

“Today, about 70 percent of immigrants who enter the country legally come in through a system that gives strong weight to people with relatives currently living here.” This data like much other has no source and makes it unreliable. However, this gives some strength as the data is numerical used to prove the author’s point unlike Document 1 which had no numerical data. Some would say that this data can’t be proven false, but you can always find a reliable source online and compare. The reoccurring theme is weakness woven throughout Document …show more content…

“One concern about the system we propose is that there are already many who have been in the green-card queue for a number of years, They could be allowed to stay in that queue, with the purchase of immediate citizenship merely offering another option.” This statement over looks many aspects and flaws that weaken the argument of the Document; many immigrants would not be able to pay this fee of $50,000 due to poverty. However, this does also strengthen the argument as it does provide another and better option for immigrants. Additionally, this also strengthens the argument because the author is addressing a common concern with this system. Someone could simply state that letting in the immigrants that can only afford the fee would keep the bad ones away, but this is false as many Mexican gangs and/or mafia would be able to afford this through illegal acts. In conclusion, Document 2 is weaker than Document 1 due to lack of proof and

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