
Imagery In Battle Royale By Ralph Ellison

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1-Find at least 2 motifs (recurring images or thoughts) in the text "Battle Royale." Explain the significance of those recurring images. Why does Ellison repeat those images?

1-Grandfather's speech
The story began with the death of the grandfather who called his son to deliver the farewell advice "Son, after I'm gone I want you to keep up the good fight. I never told you, but our life is a war and I have been a traitor all my born days, a spy in the enemy's country ever since I give up my gun back in the Reconstruction. Live with your head in the lion's mouth. I want you to overcome 'em with yeses, undermine 'em with grins, agree 'em to death and destruction, let 'em swoller you till they vomit or bust wide open."
These words affected …show more content…

Herded is a verb most commonly used with cattle, not humans, and its use shows how the black men were treated like animals.
3- "The hair was yellow like that of a circus kewpie doll"
These words representing a simile were used to describe the dancer who was naked . The significance of that imagery is that he claims that she is detached from society.

4-" For in those days I was what they called ginger-colored, and he sounded as though he might crunch me between his teeth like a crisp ginger cookie "
The narrator expresses his colour and denots that he is nothing for them . He is not a human with rights and goals and a similar character like them . He is just like a piece of food that is just eaten or beaten without any right to express what is inside it . . 5-" my right eye popping like a jack-in-the-box" the narrator describes himself as a jack-in-the-box , that comes when unexpected . He struggled more than anyone else . He was supposed to faint after the battle and disappear but he cae again to deliver his speech . He is like cats with seven souls . During all his life time he tries and tries struggling . He knows that he may keep struggling for a century but he didn't stop struggling …show more content…

Every time a black man would get a leg up in the ladder of life, a white man was there to knock him back down.

4- Discuss the significance of the text. What is Ellison trying to achieve in this text. Make sure that your answer is at least a paragraph.

Each person in this life has a role and a goal. The majority take more than they deserve . They enjoy more power than they can bear . They give themselves more rights . The minority struggle to perform this role and get their rights . During his life time , a person of the minority should fight to deliver his message despite the conflicts that he may face . In the story ,the black people , a generation following a generation , do their best and advise their descendents to continue the battle of existence . they suffer a lot . They are made fun of . they struggle to be a respected part of the society , even when they try to express what is inside themselves "equality " , it is considered a crime . It must be said ONLY by mistake . the white men know that one day the black ones will be a great power but they don't want to witness such a day . they can only let them live to entertain them and to be mocked of

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