
Immanuel Kant Research Paper

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Immanuel Kant, a philosopher, main goal was to discover the answer to how human beings could be genuinely good and kind, apart from the expectations of traditional religions. Immanuel Kant was born in the year 1724 to parents who were extremely modest. His father was a saddle maker who never made an excess amount of money. He was very thankful for his family and all things God had him blessed with. Kant got a late start in his studies, unlike David Hume. It was not until he was in his fifties that he became a professor that acquired a full salary and received a considerable amount of respect. Kant’s family held him to high standards and made it appoint to practice their religious beliefs. As Kant grew in age and knowledge he did not have any orthodox religious beliefs, but still saw the role that religion had played in his parent’s ability to deal with their hardships and blessing and how useful religion could be in creating a society where everyone was united.
Kant was not considered a handsome man. Instead, he was described as frail and scrawny. Despite his appearance, he was very sociable. His colleagues would criticize him for spending a large portion of his time …show more content…

Kant also argued that the main idea of categorical imperative could be stated in another way, act so as to treat people always as ends in themselves, never as simple means. This was intended as a replacement for the Christian command to love thy neighbor. To treat an individual as an end for Kant meant keeping in mind that they had a life of their own where they were seeking happiness and fulfillment and also, deserved honesty and fair treatment. The categorical imperative, Kant argued, is a logical self-speaking method. It is what man-kind truly believes when thinking sensibly, and what personal intelligence

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