
Immigration : Immigration And Immigration To The United States

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Immigration is the international integration of people into a country of which they are not natives or where they don’t have citizenship in order to resign, live, or work there. This particular situation is causing chaos to the natives of the United States because they are taking the jobs and the money U.S. citizens should have. Therefore the three branches of government are all involved in the political discussion of the chaos of immigrants coming to the U.S. The Judicial Branch is the main voice of deciding the meaning and purpose of the laws, how to apply them to real a crisis, and whether a law does not meet the rules of the Constitution. The U.S. immigration courts, charged with determining the fate of un-nationalized immigrants and refugees, look a lot like a regular court system when you look at it for the first time. When immigration is enforced it is not a punishment. The Supreme Court has said that the due process protection plan applies when an individual faces punishment in the form of them being deprived of their life, liberty, or property rights, but that an alien being returned to his homeland or denied entry to the United States is not being punished and so therefore he or she cannot expect the courts to grant him these protections. Deportation and exclusion is simply a greatly used administrative procedure that is used to send immigrants that are not nationalized back to where they came from. You cannot come into the United States without trying to become a

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