
Immigration Should Be Placed As One Of The Highest Priorities

Decent Essays

Today in the United States, Immigration should be placed as one of the highest priorities. Many immigrants struggle on daily bases hoping that one day there will be a solution to all their problems. Currently, we may hear suggestions or some ideas of ways to solve immigration problems, but we hope to expect changes soon. Within the United States, immigration has been thought as a plague that is rapidly spreading. Even with how immigration is now currently being addressed, new ways to help improve immigration, and how the political system can create alternatives for citizens and immigrants. The way immigration is currently being addressed is by cracking down any illegal immigrants at the border. In the article of “The White House- Issues of Immigration,” says that if anyone is attempting to cross over the border without being undocumented will be sent right back (Immigration). With border protection this will be one way to help with illegal immigrants who are trying to cross over. The only way this will work if border control is on top of protecting the borders from people who cross over. Another way is by deporting people who are a threat to the safety of others and who can be bring danger to families in the U.S. It mentions that he [President Obama] “has directed immigration enforcement to place anyone suspected of terrorism, violent criminals, gang members” and anyone who has crossed over the borders and is placed at “top of deportation priority list” (Immigration).

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