
Immigration reform has been one of the “hot” topics that have been consistently at the forefront of

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Immigration reform has been one of the “hot” topics that have been consistently at the forefront of many American discussions. At this time, there are more illegal immigrants in our country than legal immigrants. This is a major controversy in the realm of other social policies. Illegal immigration, or undocumented immigrants, refers to foreign people entering the United States without government permission or violating the immigration law. This is typically done by sneaking into the country or staying beyond the allotted time frame.
There seems to be no general agreement on how the government should alleviate undocumented people entering our country, or how change could be introduced to improve the current immigration condition. The two …show more content…

So what is the nature of this problem? The problem revolves around the question of is it in the United States best interest to allow, educate, take care of and provide for those people that reside in our country but are not citizens. Additionally, is the safety and security of the United States being compromised by foreigners entering into our country undetected? And furthermore, what about the children that are brought over the border illegally by their parents or children that are born in the US but have undocumented parents living here? What are their rights, if any? And when is enough? Does this in fact impede on our economy and take away from those that have followed policies and are living in the United States legally? Are we spending too much money fighting an unmanageable fight by deporting and deporting and deporting, only to have them come back into America? As said by D. Meissner (2014), “Deportations stand at record highs – nearly four million people have been repatriated since 9/11”.
During debates, it is often discussed which individuals illegal immigrants, coming into our country, affect. There isn’t a clear answer, but most definitely in some ways affects all of us. The government pays the border patrolling officers, which try to keep our borders safe and secure. Meissner (2014) notes, “The United States now spends more on immigration enforcement than on all its other principal criminal federal law enforcement agencies combined”. Additionally, the

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