
Impact Of Immigration On The United States Essay

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As our economy continues to grow, as does the world that we live in. With this more and more people are continuing to travel and immigrate across borders. With over 175 million people accounting for 3% of the world’s population (Kerr, Kerr 2011) living permanently overseas, the landscape of global business and economics is continuing to grow. This shift in demographic can leads to many changes and adjustments for countries, some of which can reap benefits others may cause financial harm. Major impacts of immigration can be observed in several forms of a countries economic system such as employment opportunities for both immigrated workers as well as current citizens along with unemployment rates, wages, profit margins, the ability of local and international business’ to grow and the overall GDP of the specific country. For this paper specifically the developed country that will be analysed will be Australia. Considered to be one of the worlds “major immigration nations” (together with New Zealand, Canada and the United States of America) (Phillips, Simon-Davies 2016) Australia is fast becoming a go-to country for those looking for a fresh start. Entering through either the “Migration Program” or “Humanitarian Program” depending on the specific level of expertise Australia is quick to start the process of entering these immigrants to the workforce. With a high percentage of Australians that have been born overseas (7.2 million) Australia needs to prepare and plan

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