
Impact Of The American Industrial Revolution On Modern America

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Impact of the American Industrial Revolution on the of Modern America

The Industrial Revolution started around 1750. It began in Britain and it spread throughout the World. Although full industrial development would only occur after 1815, the industrial revolution began in the United States during the 1790s and early 1800s. The Industrial Revolution was marked by three key developments specialization, mechanization, and distribution.
Specialization meant the breaking down of the means of production into its component parts, allowing for more rapid manufacturing in a given shop or locality. Mechanization reflected the use of power-driven machinery to increase production and entailed the building of factories and extensive investment of capital. With increased production from specialization and mechanization came the need to reach broader markets and the shift from local to national distribution (Shultz, p. 310).

American industrialization affected migration, urbanization, and the development of enormous organizations. The expanding number of manufacturing plants made a higher labor demand. Foreigners, predominantly from Europe and China, settled in the U.S. to exploit the work opportunities. In light of the assembly line laborer request, "America encountered a movement blast, 'the Incredible Wave, ' amid which migration found the middle value of 600,000 every year… principally by European outsiders; especially, in its second half, with settlers

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