
Impact Of The Migration Of The Excising Server And Client Operating System

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Table of Contents Summary 1 Introduction 2 Impact of the migration of the excising server and client operating system to the cloud platform 3 Best practice approach for successful system migration 5 Before migration 5 During migration 6 After migration 6 Migrating user account from one user database 7 Conclusion 7 Reference 8 Summary Cloud computing turning out to be all the more broadly used, it is essential for associations to comprehend approaches to expand advantages and minimize dangers of a move to the cloud. The theme of this essay is to discuss about the system migrations and how it is beneficial to the organization and the impact of the system migration to a cloud based environment. We have to analysis the option for migrating user account from one user database to another and discuss weather we will have any cost benefits for the organization. Drawbacks and impact of the migration to a cloud based environment also should be analyzed and the best practice for system migration is emphasized and explained. Introduction The Cloud platform being the hot topic in recent days every organization are trying to move their servers and client operation to the cloud (rackspace, 2016). The main reason for the system migration to cloud platforms would be. • Cost savings • Increased scalability and flexibility • Increased data storage capacity • Support utility computing • Reliability • Security These are the main factors due to which organization are moving towards cloud

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