
Implementing Change

Good Essays

Implementing Change
Ellen Dallas
University of Phoenix
Leadership and Performance Development
HCS 475r3
Albert Gale
April 16, 2011

Implementing Change To successfully implement change, employees need to understand how this will benefit them and impact their daily work. One of the things is that something might look good on paper can have drawbacks that are not realized by the planners, but can be easily identified by the employees who must implement the change. Therefore as a manager you need to bring the idea to the employees and get their feedback and continue to empower the employees to make the change that will work for them. Since change doesn’t happen overnight a manager needs to continually in monitoring the …show more content…

At this time the manager can make the employees uncomfortable with the status quo and planting seeds of discontent by giving information to make employees dissatisfied with the present and will look to something new. All this information comes from the data that was gathered and analyzed through research and staff surveys. Managers need to plan the resources required to make the change and establish feedback mechanisms to evaluate the progress and success of the change (Sullivan & Decker, 2009, p. 70).
Once the plans are put in motion interventions are designed to gain the necessary compliance. The manager needs to provide information by doing so he can change an individual’s perception, attitudes and values this is a plus for the manager. Training the employees to the new way will give them information and skill practice it show them how to perform in a system not how to change it. When possible the manager should use groups to discuss issues that are perceived as important and make relevant, binding decisions based on these discussions. Individual and group implementation can be combined so whatever methods are used participants should feel their input is valued and should be rewarded for their efforts. In some cases people are not always persuaded before beneficial change is implemented, sometimes behavior changes first and attitudes are modified later to fit the behavior (Sullivan & Decker, 2009, p. 71).

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