
Implementing Change Paper

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Implementing Change Paper
Organizational development (OD) and implementing change in an organization can be a complex and challenging task. It is important to understand what Organizational development (OD) is and the change management approaches will work best with the organization and its people to manage change. In todays, globalize economy organizations experience rapid changes that managers have to be able to manage. I will discuss what organizational development, how to implement changes and different change management approaches. Compare and contrast OD and change management approaches categorizing when each approach is appropriate, advantages and disadvantage each have.
Organizational development (OD) Business dictionary …show more content…

Appreciative inquiry embraces the personal in problem solving by including them in planning, constructing and visualizing the forthcoming changes. Advantages to OD are improvement to the effectiveness of the organization and the staff. That will lead to being better functioning, more successful and creating competitiveness within the organizations workforce.
The advantage is seen with the changes in values, beliefs, attitudes, and structures of the organization so they can adapt to new challenges, technologies, and markets. Disadvantages are the, “Lack of theory. There is no comprehensive theory of change to assist researchers in knowing what to look for in what they study.” (Akin, Dunford, & Palmer, 2009 p. 195) The issues with being able to accurately measure attitudinal changes, and the inability to use normal research methods and approaches. The approach is appropriate when there are multiple strategic partners in a large-scale involvement and there is a need to develop a shared vision of …show more content…

(Akin, Dunford, & Palmer, 2009 p.137) Manageing change within an oprinastions is complex which needs structor to insure that the change model is implemented successfully. Advantages of the change management approach having a physical plan to follow and map changes. Like Kirkpatrick’s seven “step-by-step” change model which give an organized approach that managers can use.
Another advantage is that with change management there is more control of emerging behaviors and cultural norms development by the changes. The disadvantage is the lack of the human care factor. Most change management approaches are more concerned with what is best for the organization without factoring the personal.
The approach is appropriate when the,” Third, the main focus of contingency approaches is on the specific style of leadership, matched to the scale of required change, rather than on a specific set of change action steps.’ (Akin, Dunford, & Palmer, 2009

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