
Importance Of Informed Decision Making

Satisfactory Essays

There is more to a phys-ed course than just physical activity. The main purpose of this course is to help you broaden your perspective and introduce you to new ways of decision making regarding your personal health. Informed Decisions
One main component of health class is to educate you enough about a topic so that you can start making smart and informed decisions. Through the various units such as Healthy Eating, we aim to broaden your view by discussing different perspectives of the same situation, which intends to help you by considering all of the different factors around you, and the long-term consequences of your decisions. This thinking ensures a more smart and rational decision versus a quick-headed one. Importance of Personal Sense in Decision-Making
Making a decision about yourself also requires you to understand yourself. It is important that you are aware of your own strengths and morals so that you can respect them and take them into consideration when making a decision. One decision may not have the same results for everybody, therefore, it is important that you can personalize a decision and set-up for maximum success. Furthermore, knowing yourself as you …show more content…

These factors can be various fads, trends, social norms, the media, and etcetera. These factors can influence your decision by convincing you to adhere to the trends and norms. For example, a big trend today is diets and exercise. Because of these factors, many people are deciding to also start eating healthy and start visiting the local gym. Although it is a good thing that personal health has become more recognizable; there are some negative impacts as well. These factors can also deteriorate your health in the form of extremes which affect your holistic health. Some examples are: extreme diets, eating disorders, anxiety and peer pressure which negatively impact your mental, emotional, social and physical

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