
Importance of Accountability in the Army Essay

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Accountability is important, because without it, there's no where to place the blame when mistakes occur. In fact, accountability covers more than just blameworthiness; responsibility, answerability, and liability also come into question when discussing the importance of accountability. The very application of the word, describes a system, in which actions, decisions, and policies are all accounted for (or: kept track of, recorded, and assessed and evaluated). Accountability can even extend into the administration of new policies, that are rendered due to obsolete rules and regulations or just out-right compliancy issues; the governance of decisions that define expectations or verify one's performance-- as well as managing and guiding …show more content…

You can't define the importance of accountability, without bringing up the topic of counting. What do you think accounting is? Calculating those very elements, that you or someone else counted and then recorded, and interpreting the results from those variables (the ones you counted in order to assign a numerical value). The process goes as such: counting the number of elements (or objects, such as people, equipment, etc.), recording the value of those elements recieved from the "count method," classifying those numbers into their respective variables, operating on those variables in different ways to simulate different scenarios or events, summarizing the significance of each calculation, and interpreting the results of these mathematical processes. Now, if I really want to go in depth with this particular topic, I could discuss the principles of accountancy. Accountancy is nothing more than the communication of financial information about a business entity to users such as shareholders and managers. This very process describes the profession and duties of an accountant, I would like to discuss a prime example of this later on in my essay. The principles of accountancy are applied to business entities in three divisions of practical art, named accounting, bookkeeping, and auditing. According to history, early accounts served

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