
Importance of Recycling at the University Essay

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Importance of Recycling at the University

I remember my first semester here at the University and the dark halls of the Bates House Residence Hall. Many a party was concluded with an idea for what to do with the endless piles of cans that had congregated on the floor. One idea, I remember, was to wall someone into his room and another was to see how many we could stand on end without toppling. But, we usually just ended up throwing them in the trashcans in our refuse room. Sometimes out of the five trashcans in the room set aside for trash disposal, three or four would be completely filled with hundreds of cans of various beverages. Upon further contemplation, I can also remember the small, blue bucket that was thrown …show more content…

The truth is, however, that with the amount of money the University spends on other endeavors, it cannot afford not to update its recycling campaign. The only way to do that is to help make recycling appeal to more of the vast student population that currently attends our University. How might this be done? The University already places a recycling bin in every dorm room around the campus; anything more would exceed the current funding for the recycling project. Perhaps the institution of a recycling center at the Russell House could cause the impulse to become a habit. But, that would take too much money--with the salaries of workers and the annexing of what would amount to a new wing of the building--to consider for too long. Another solution could be to have the students elect a "recycling committee" to evaluate the problem and decide on the appropriate solution. However, I feel that with the current lull in our recycling campaign, even that would be ineffective. As an altrenative to these two solutions I propose that we, as students and faculty united, institute a plan that is so simple it is already in place in many of the high schools around the state. I propose a system of rewards.

How many of us have walked past the Russell House only to hear the cry, "Free T-shirt for your application?" The interested people walk to the table where a fraternity brother greets them

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