
Improving Employee Retention At Tuality

Decent Essays

The second pillar, destination healthcare employer, aims at recruiting high performers and improving employee retention. The current rate of turnover at Tuality is high compared to other Portland Metro counterparts and training is expensive. Other plans for retention include providing a market competitive wage and benefits package. High visibility recognition will be seen featured more in the coming years with the initiation of the President’s Award and other programs aimed at ensuring employees feel valued. Mr. Berman strongly feels that Tuality employees are its most valued resource and it is apparent in his first years as the CEO that he wishes to improve employee satisfaction. On the other side of high performers, however, low …show more content…

Currently, 79% of the workforce of 1320 employees are Caucasian and the other 21% can be broken down into minority groups of 10% Latino, 7% Asian, 1% Black, and 3% Native American/Pacific Islander (Ratliffe, February 2014). Current initiatives that Tuality has in the works for 2015 is to improve diversity of its workforce and, therefore, improve its service to the minority population in the area. Based on the Community Health Needs Assessment Report, the population configuration of whom Tuality serves averages roughly 25% Latino patients (Tuality Healthcare, 2014). To better serve those patients, Tuality must attract, hire and retain more minority employee in direct patient care professions such as physicians and nurses that will reflect a better match to the patient base.
The third pillar, community reputation for unparalleled value, is perhaps the largest hurdle to overcome. It is hard to expect patients to use Tuality if they do not believe they will get good value for their money and have positive health outcomes. Because of being a small organization, Tuality has to work harder to achieve similar outcomes of patient satisfaction than its larger Portland area counterparts. Tuality serves a smaller number of patients, and when mistakes happen it increases the percentage of bad experiences for patients and lowers the HCAHPS scores. The HCAHPS

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