
Inclusive Immigration Reform : The United States Essay

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Inclusive Immigration Reform
The United States faces serious issues surrounding current immigration policy. The situation produces debates throughout the country and a further divided congress, a scared nation, and scattered troops. Solutions have been presented in the form of very big walls, complex tracking systems, and overly simplified exportation of illegal aliens. However, no real steps of action have been agreed upon to rectify the situation. The US boast in its diversity; stemming from immigrants seeking recovery and opportunity. In the past, the nation thrived under the minds and views of many different peoples and cultures. The US people and government gradually showed themselves to be a dominant international force in the global community. Because of the melting pot of backgrounds, innovation thrived in the medical, science, mathematical, and engineering fields. Policy in the last 50 years naturally migrated towards the progressive attitude of nation, affected by the large population of immigrants, but the attitude changed detrimentally and dramatically after the attacks on 9/11. Based on fear and anxiety, many immigration policies were changed to protect citizens from reliving such a catastrophic event once again. The AIC, American Immigration Council, summarizes the purpose of Immigration law as “the reunification of families, admitting immigrants with skills that are valuable to the U.S. economy, protecting refugees, and promoting diversity.” (How the United)

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