
Income Inequality In The United States

Decent Essays

What is Income Inequality? Well “Income Inequality is the unequal distribution” of family or individual wage over the different individuals in an economy. Income inequality is often showen up “as the percentage of income to a percentage of population” (Staff.) Income inequality creates and impacts the U.S. in different aspects, whether it is distinguished by “region, gender, education and social status” (Staff), as well as there are certain causes and potential solutions to resolve the problems that Income Inequality creates. What are the results (the impacts) of Income Inequality in the U.S.? Some of the impacts that Income Inequality has created in the U.S., as well as in other societies that have and are impacted by Income Inequality …show more content…

It is to be said in a new research that was done, showing that “low-income kids” aren’t developed fully in certain parts of their brains and behind other kinds in their same age group. The results of this came to be that children that come families with a low income household, happen to have a thinner neocortex, which is a “particular area of the brain” and its role is in memory and the ability to learn (Woodruff.) This is something that should really concern people, because children are our future. How and why is this happening? Well it’s all based from the nutrients, the health care, the education, and the amount of stress they enter counter, that affects children’s lives and this is all caused by Income Inequality. “The brain of a child whose family earns less than $25,000 annually is 6% smaller in surface area than a child whose parents earned more than $150,000, according to the study” (Woodruff.) Which is very surprisingly but sadly it makes sense, since children who grow up in an environment where that have access to things that children from low income environments …show more content…

A potential solution that could perhaps help to reduce poverty and inequality could be to increase the minimum wage as well as to raising the overtime salary and index it to inflation, maintain and provide safety net programs such as SNAP, and other programs, create more jobs, provide Medicaid as well as making sure that people can afford health coverage, making sure people/ young teens with children can afford and access a child care, helping low income individuals better their education and provide “fully fund Pell Grants” (10 Solutions to Fight Economy Inequality), having the government spend less money on prisons and instead invest the money into more schools, programs, etc. There are many more potential solutions and things that could be done to either minimize, better or maybe even get rid of Income Inequality, it’s all just up to whoever is willing to make a change and then people will be able to start having and receive a much better

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