
Indian Removal Act Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

The Trail of exiles was a trail of death. The Indian Removal Act was a controversial idea which many people spoke out against. Many protested over the poor treatment of the Native Americans. On the other hand, settlers supporting the Indian Removal Act stated that this will be an advantage to America gaining more land and wealth. The Indian Removal act occurred due to the boom in the cotton industry causing Southerners to desire for more land and gold lying upon Indian’s land. Jackson labeled them as savage and ransome and stated their taking up land for white settlers. The Indian Removal act caused many white settlers to encourage Indians into signing removal treaties in order to gain the land they want. Many tribes declined this treaty …show more content…

Jackson stated they are savage and don’t deserve to live in their land. According to Andrew Jackson’s Second Annual message he stated the speedy removal will support the Indians but, many have suffered and been tortured by white settlers leading to the loss of their ancestors land, death, a new landscape to adapt to, and walking hundreds of miles in very harsh living conditions. According to Document A, John G Burnett wrote, “And I have known twenty two of them to die in one night of pneumonia due to ill treatment, cold and exposure” This shown how much the Indians suffered from Americans lack of supplying medication, shelter and warmth during the Trail of Tears. In Document D, John Ross said, “Ever since [the whites came] we have been made to drink of the bitter cup of humiliation; treated like dogs... our country and the graves of our fathers torn from us.” As you can see, the Indians feel sick and tired of being controlled by Americans. They want to be independent and want to live along the graves of their ancestors without it being taken away. In conclusion, the Indian Removal act caused Indians to be treated very poorly due to their land being forcibly taken away and walking the Trail of

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