
Industrial Design Myth

Satisfactory Essays

Simon Jackson in 2006 written Sacred objects – Australian design and national celebrations about the Australian identity and culture. He has discovered three very diverse types of writings to get a better understanding of how Australian industrial design has been called upon to establishing images of national identity, Starting with ‘white male’ national identity. Looking into 1988 Australian Bicentenary Simon says Australians looked to all areas of their cultural history (architecture, music, literature, the fine arts and design) to find material for the further development of their national identity. Design myths raised Bicentenary writings had no real evidence. Simon admits that Tony Fr was right about the industrial as ‘celebratory...or promotional rhetoric. From Industrial design to the myth of Pioneering innovation discussed explaining that the Australia’s …show more content…

Ann Moyal, historian questioned the myth of Australian innovation on the eve of the Bicentennial festivity. In Australians treasured ‘no fuss design’. Certainly, if one word had to be cited as abhorrence to Australian design critics of the 1940s-1960s that would be fuss. Starting the argument Simon ask the palpable questions for any study of the history of industrial design activity in Australia - is there a national sensibility? And should there be an effort to generate a national canon? Tony Fry wrote in 1988 ‘there is no Australian design’, saying there was no national sensibility, no characteristic appearance. Fry acknowledged there had been substantial innovation in Australia, but not enough industrial design objects existed in comparison to the distinctive British, American, Italian, French, German, Scandinavian or Japanese design cultures. The mythology of Australian industrial design has prejudiced the way Australians see themselves and effected the activity of industrial design exercise in

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