
Industrial Design Personal Statement

Decent Essays

The area of Industrial Design interests me as I believe it best fits my personality. As a child, I have maintained a love of art and have consistently desired to pursue a career in the arts. However, I also enjoyed the technicality of math and science in school, and so I enjoyed exploring product design. The challenge of solving daily problems, improving daily life, and approaching problems with logical solutions presented visually intrigues me and I would love to study and achieve a job in this career.

One obstacle I have faced was trying out for my school soccer team freshman year. I have played soccer since the age of 6, and I hoped to make the soccer team to continue playing as well as to challenge myself with a higher level of competition. …show more content…

Campus diversity brings to the table a plethora of ideas, beliefs, and preferences, all extremely admirable and useful to me as I pursue a career in Industrial design where the consumer is key. Also, I have lived in California since birth, and would love to be faced with a new culture with a different perspective on possibly everything. Personally, since I moved to Irvine from Lake Forest in middle school, my view of school has both changed and been developed. In Irvine, I was swamped with competition as many of my peers studied for their honors and AP courses day in and day out, while grappling with extracurricular activities to pursue careers as doctors, engineers, lawyers, and simply other high-paying jobs. Others obeyed their parents' wishes or disobeyed them to choose their own path. I learned just how high a level of education students could achieve and realized I was not above the average in taking GATE or advanced classes. This brought me to study harder and learn to improve my time management. However, I was brought up in a household where I was open to all career options, and I chose to pursue art. I was blessed with my parents' support and have maintained a positive outlook on my career all while trying my hardest in school and tackling AP's and extracurricular activities I enjoy. Hence, I believe my mixed perspective of choice and challenge would contribute to NC State's campus

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