
Industrialization During The Gilded Age Essay

Decent Essays

During the rise of industrialization, the United States had just ended the Civil War and was starting to move on. People had an aspiration at this time to make a more than decent living for themselves, and the economy was at the right spot for this to be possible. This time period in American History is referred to as the Gilded Age, termed by the famous author Mark Twain, which simply means covered in gold; however, Twain did not necessarily mean this in a good way. He believed right under the surface of this gold plating was still problems with the American society that didn’t look so appealing. This essay will discuss how practices during the rise of industrialization during the Gilded Age shaped the American work and labor force. One factor during the Gilded Age that changed American business and labor practices was the abundance of supplies. The United States had all the raw materials it could ever ask for like: coal, oil, iron ore, copper, lead, and timber. Why was this important to the U.S? This kept the U.S. from having to purchase these things from foreign countries. The United States also had an abundance of labor supply between 1865 and 1900. This gave U.S. factories a steady supply of cheap labor, there was always more workers …show more content…

They were so pro-business that it did not even matter whether or not the government was republican or democrat based. There was very little federal regulation on business, even to the extent to where the business itself would set wages; furthermore, this caused many laborers to work for dirt cheap pay. The government also didn’t set an age limit on workers, so we now have children working in factories too. In today’s modern society there are child labor laws put into place to There were very low taxes on corporate profits, so there was more income for the

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