
Inequality In Education

Decent Essays

Inequality is a huge problem in society today. Specifically, it is an issue in education. A fair education is not given to all students due to race, money, and location. Some families have to cross major hurdles just for their children to attend school, and it is likely that it is not even a notable school. Educators’ priorities are often out of sorts and fail to remember what the overall goal is: to (creatively) get their students to learn. Students today think school is a chore and will go to the extremes, whether cheating just to pass a class, or simply by putting forth very little effort whatsoever. Whereas there are always improvements that could be made in education, the biggest problem lies in the inequity of the education itself …show more content…

Rethinking their understanding of merit would be a great start. (Deresiewicz 208) Changing the admissions process, doing away with test scores and placing higher value on community based service could be more accepted and beneficial.
Undoubtedly, this type of technocratic system can be adjusted with the help of our educators themselves. Students can learn to develop true job skills if they are taught how to develop hypothetical questions, troubleshoot, reason, and communicate. (Rose 126) Engaging the imaginations of students and their creativity is key. Students will put forth the effort if they are motivated and taught properly. That being said, overwhelming amounts of homework should not be given because it influences kids to despise school. Teachers could easily fix this issue bring out the best qualities of their classrooms by simply being more flexible with time, tests, and being open minded and fair to each student’s independence and self worth. (Gatto 115) If students have more time to do extracurriculars and still get their school work done, school will seem less like a chore. It is true that there are students that make themselves fail. Whether it may be a focusing issue, lack of effort, or just simply that they do not care, that is their fault. Many students would prefer to be just the average Joe. (Rose 128) But, this is a small percentage of the many kids who are failing. Majority of kids want to succeed and learn but are not

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