
Essay Inequality of Wealth and Income Distribution in America

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Inequality of Wealth and Income Distribution in America

Every American dreams of finding a job that pays well enough so that they may comfortably take care of their loved ones and themselves for years to come. Most Americans hope to find some way to make a living that they enjoy, something that they view as productive. Unfortunately, many do not have this luxury. In our society, a good portion of the population is forced to hold the base of our country in place while hardly being redeemed for their time and effort, and thus the problem of income inequality. Numbers of these people live from paycheck to paycheck, barely getting by, not because they manage their money poorly, but because the value of their time at work is negligible. …show more content…

Income inequality was a large reason why people immigrated here in the 1800’s. Their countries were becoming too segregated by classification of income. Now this country is becoming more of what those people fled from over a hundred years ago. Moreover, many companies are now moving their production overseas and taking away the very jobs and opportunities that looked so attractive to the American immigrants. Back in America, some companies hire illegal aliens at low wages, which creates a larger lower class. As of 2010, illegal aliens made up 10% of the California workforce, with over 8 million illegal workers nationally. We need to keep this country from becoming like those socially segregated countries that people emigrated from in the past.

Many large firms make a lot of money, but there is no trickle down effect. The few on top make most of the money while the average worker does much of the work. According to the real annual income of Americans, about 95% of the benefits of economic growth over the last 25 years have gone to the rich. Should not the hard worker on the bottom get more? These firms are controlling because they only give out as much as necessary to keep the workers employed. Many of these same firms have companies in other industries, such as entertainment or retail, and a lot of the money they pay out comes back to them through these other industries. In

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