
Infant Toddler Care Mission Statement Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

The website of Glendale Community College Children's Center reflects it below stated mission statement.

Mission Statement:

The Program for Infant/Toddler Care seeks to ensure that America's infants get a safe, healthy, emotionally secure and intellectually rich start in life. Its three-pronged mission is to

1) increase the availability and quality of child care for all children under age three;

2) disseminate information that increases the practice of responsive, respectful and relationship based infant toddler care; and

3) influence national, regional and local policies and practices so that the needs and interests of individual infants, toddlers, and their families are the foundation for all curriculum development and program activity.


A mission statement is a statement of purpose, describing who the company is and what it does.

Borrowing from the organizations program …show more content…

This is supported by their policy stating:

In a primary care system, each child is assigned to one special infant/toddler care teacher who is principally responsible for that child's care. When children spend a longer day in care than their primary infant/toddler care teacher, a second infant/toddler care teacher is assigned to be the primary relationship. Each child should have a special infant/toddler care teacher assigned to him or her at all times during the child care day.

PITC recommends primary care ratios of 1:3 or 1:4, in groups of 6-12 children, depending on the age. The guiding principle is this: the younger the child, the smaller the group. Small groups facilitate the provision of personalized care that infants and toddlers need, supporting peaceful exchanges, freedom and safety to move and explore, and the development of intimate relationships.

2) Disseminate information that increases the practice of responsive, respectful and relationship based infant toddler

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