
Influence Of 1984 In 1984

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In 1948 George Orwell wrote 1984, it is about a dystopian future where a 39 year old man by the name Winston Smith begins to rebel against everything that he was taught was the truth. Big Brother controls Oceania, the country in which Winston lives, Big Brother has telescreens that not only watch your every move but they hear everything you say. If they feel that you are even thinking about rebelling then Big Brother sends in the Thought Police, the Thought Police will take you to the Ministry of Love until you confess your crimes then they either kill you publically or put you back into society. When Winston first started to rebel Julia then slipped him a note that simply said “I love you”, he knew that she was a rebel too since you were not aloud to …show more content…

When they later got caught and taken to the Ministry of Love they both confessed everything and where even brainwashed to love big brother and not each other. All throughout Orwell’s novel he predicts a lot of technology and issues that we have today, how well does his book actually relate to today’s times? The first couple pages are when he is walking home from work and he sees a Big Brother poster saying “Freedom is Slavery War is Peace Ignorance is Strength”. Later in the book you find out more on what these mean, it is never really said it is more of implied. The first one “Freedom is Slavery” I think it means that freedom in Oceania is just an illusion, you are never really free you are always a slave in your own body since they control everything in your life you do not have any real freedom. This relates to our current society because our views on everything are being skewed in different ways based of where we look, different websites or news reporters report different perspectives on everything it is

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