
Informal Reading Inventory, A Valuable Diagnostic Tool?

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1. Why is an “Informal Reading Inventory” a valuable diagnostic tool? Informal Reading Inventory (IRI) are diagnostic assessment administered individually to evaluate different aspects of students’ reading. After reading the text, students orally are answering the questions following the text. Teachers take into the consideration additional factors,, such as fluency, students’ prior knowledge, and determine students’ reading levels. This information may to choose appropriate reading material for students, to form reading groups, and to plan future reading instruction taking into the considerations students strengths and needs. According to Chall (1983), the greatest value of IRI is to help educators to diagnose the gaps in the abilities of readers who struggle the most. For teachers, who looking for the better way to address students instructional needs of children, who have reading difficulties, IRI is a very valuable diagnostic tool.

2. What is a “running record”? How do they assist a teacher? Running Record is used by teachers to assess students’ reading performance as they read from the benchmark books, specially selected books chose for assessment purpose. It is a very valuable tool to identify patterns in students reading behavior that allows to see strategies students used to make meaning of individual words and texts as a whole. The information teachers get while doing a running record helps to identify error, reading accuracy and students

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