
Informative Essay On Steve Jobs

Decent Essays

“My job is not to be easy on people. My job is to take these great people we have and to push them and make them even better.”-Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs Quote). Steve Jobs was the founder of Apple and changed technology. He made the iMac, iPod, iPhone, and I am sure that everyone has or is using one of those Apple products. Steve Jobs was an outstanding leader because he was an innovator, passionate about Apple, and he motivated his workers to make great products.
Steve Jobs was a great leader because he was an excellent innovator. Jobs was named “CEO of the Decade” because he created the iMac, iPod, iPad, and iPhone. “In November 2009, Fortune named him “CEO of the Decade,” saying, “the past decade in business belongs to Jobs. Calling him “a showman, a born salesman, a magician who creates a famed reality-distortion field, [and] tyrannical perfectionist,” the magazine noted that in ten years, “he has radically and lucratively recorded three markets---music, movies, and mobile telephones---and his impact on his original industry, computing, has only grown.” No wonder it said, he was a worldwide celebrity.” (Blumenthal 255). This shows how Steve Jobs was a prominent leader …show more content…

“Far better than most leaders, Jobs intuitively understood the power of cultural influence in sustaining the strategic capabilities implicit in his perpetual vision of creating, as he put it, “an enduring company where people were motivated to make great products… a company that will stand for something a generation or two from now.”(Katzenbach 21-25). Also, another example of Steve Jobs motivating his workers was in the movie Jobs and he motivated them to risk everything to become great because Apple has “bravado, it’s social status, no it’s even more than that, it’s social currency.”(Metroplex89). This shows how Jobs was an incredible leader because he motivates his workers to make innovative

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