
Informative Speech : Elon Musk

Decent Essays

Outline Format for Informative Speech

I. Introduction A. Elon Musk, the real-life iron man. B. I am going to be presenting to you today the life of Elon Musk, a multibillionaire and founder and CEO of multiple innovate and successful businesses. He is someone I have personally looked up to an been inspired by in his extensive success and work towards, as he would say, saving humanity. C. I am sure most of you have heard about the Tesla brand of vehicles, as well as to some extent about SpaceX and reusable rockets. You may not be very interested in his life, but I’m sure in the future it will be useful to know about him. D. Today I will be investigating Mr. Musk’s life and upbringing, as well as what he’s done and what he’s doing now.

(First, we’ll start off with his beginnings.)

II. Body
A. Born in Pretoria, South Africa on June 28, 1971, son to a Canadian mom and South African father, Elon Musk spent his early years with his sister Tosca and brother Kimbal.
1. At age 10 Elon started to show interest in computers, with is also around the time his parents divorced.
2. An introvert with not many friends, Elon kicked off his entrepreneurial career by programming and selling his game Blastar for $500 at the age of 12.
3. By 17 he moved to Canada to avoid the mandatory military service and attended Queen’s University. He then moved on to study at University of Pennsylvania.
4. After graduating he when to Stanford to pursue a Ph.D, but dropped out after two days to start his own company Zip2. Compaq purchased his company in 1999 for 341 million.

(After becoming a multimillionaire in his mid-20s, his entrepreneurial career did not end there.)

B. In 1999 he co-founded, which grew into what is known today as Paypal. It was sold in 2002 for 1.5 billion in stock, 11 percent of which Musk owned at the time.
1. With his newfound wealth Musk went on to found SpaceX, a company with the intent of establishing commercial space travel.
2. He then found Tesla Motors, this time with the intent of producing affordable electric cars.
3. In 2012, SpaceX launched its Falcon 9 rocket carrying 1000 pounds of supplies to the International Space Station, making history as the first private company to send a spacecraft

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