
Insanity in a Sane World

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Insanity in a Sane World Holden Caulfield is an insane person in a sane world. What is insanity? Insanity is when you’re in a state of mind that prevents normal perception, behavior or social interaction. This state is mental illness. Insanity is when you do things in deranged or outrageous ways that could frighten people, or make people feel uncomfortable when around you. It’s when you do things out of the ordinary; yet feel as if they are ordinary. Insanity could come about when you’re depressed, or after a traumatic event, and sometimes even by keeping all your feelings bottled up inside of yourself. Sane people are sensible, reliable, well-adjusted and practice sound judgment. It’s behavior that is expected in a society. By these …show more content…

Antolini was trying to hinder him from going down the wrong path. Holden focuses on the little details like the gasoline rainbows in the puddles on the street and which suitcase is nicer. He overlooks the obvious, “big picture” which could better help him adjust and focuses instead on little, often-insignificant things he can handle. Moreover, Holden only pays attention to the things he’s interested in and doesn’t pay attention to the teachers or work given at school. This lack of interest has caused him to drop out of four schools and, therefore missing out on knowledge necessary for his well-being and self-discipline. Holden does not like change. Holden needs change, he needs to grow up. He needs to change his thoughts and behavior. Holden says “Certain things should stay the way they are, you ought to be able to stick them in one of those big glass cases and just leave them alone (122).” Finally, Holden’s overly judgmental and critical. When he sees someone he automatically judges the person because they aren’t in his perfect fantasy. In the bar he points out the “flits” (gay people) and, he thinks that his old roommate Dick Slagle has a inferiority complex just because he didn’t put his suitcases on out to show when Holden did. Holden thinks of Mr. Haas (his “phony” headmaster) as someone "[shakes] hands with them and [gives] them a phony smile (14)." Holden thinks of Ernie the piano player as someone who has been affected by “phoniness” in order to attain fame.

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