
Integrated Management Of The Supply Chain

Decent Essays

The integrated management of the supply chain is a topic that is becoming more important in the business world, given its importance, conjurations and development of enterprise networks. Which is why, today is the underlying logic of the structure of dynamic alignment ca, companies need to be integrated with your customers or markets in the context of a prevailing operating environment. The power of this structure rests on its ability to reveal the interaction between customer needs, helping to formulate appropriate response strategies, and then the successful implementation of these strategies by the relevant leadership, through the formation of cultural capacities internal, by raising awareness of the fundamental needs of customers and their buying behavior already dominant is necessary, as well as reducing delivery times [1].
Given the importance of the logistical requirements, which goes beyond a simple infrastructure, because it involves the management of physical products and services, the flow financial and information derived from the point of origin to the consumer, intended in this article to describe the main factors, internal and external elements and processes of the supply chain a hypermarket Barranquilla, understanding this as the set of flows of information, financial and physical join the suppliers ' suppliers.
The importance of supply chain is established, from its proper management schemes in modern supply chain value and essence of

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