
Integrative Approaches Of Psychology And Christianity

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4-MAT Review: Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity
Even though some people walk the same path they may see different things. Some may see things in the theological way with God’s presence everywhere they look and everything they do. Some may see it in a psychological way, always looking for the explanation of why something is the way it is. Together, theology and psychology can bring a different view and perspective that they never would have saw by themselves. Many people find that theology and psychology can draw from each other and be very beneficial. Neither view is wrong. They both just want to know the truth. Just like in the past few centuries, churches did not believe in scientific findings. An …show more content…

During this time some were seeing science as a Godly calling. Others believed religion had been overlooked for the establishment of science to happen. When psychotherapy emerged Christians did not see it as a science, but when they started to see it was a part of psychology they began to put restrictions on it. In the past and the future there will continue to be some kind of controversy over the integration of psychology and theology. Everyone has different beliefs and values (Entwistle, 2010).
An individual’s worldviews affect how they go about finding the truth. It can make us see things in a way that is not right but also can help us see a solution to a problem. Our worldview can be based off of our moral, values, and beliefs. Individual worldview may even change over time. Whatever our worldviews are that is what we see as the truth (Entwistle, 2010). “Psychology and theology confront a complex task in attempting to understand human nature” (Entwistle, 2010, p. 112). There are many different prospectives on how this is viewed because both are trying to comprehend human behavior. One prospective that is assumed by many are we can learn about nature, human beings and their behavior through Scripture and science. Even though with see different views from psychology and theology this is what helps them integrate and help each other find the truth. Even though there has been great progress made in the integration of

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