
Intended Conversion to Christianity in Flannery O'Conner's "A Good Man is Hard to Find"

Decent Essays

I think that Flannery O’Connor’s short story “A Good Man is Hard to Find” is written partially in order to convert people who have not yet fully accepted the Christian faith. O’Conner, having a strong upbringing and solid Christian background, wrote this story believing it would help people who do not have a strong moral base and Christian convictions to seriously making the necessary changes. Flannery O'Connor showed deep concern towards the value system of the youth at the time. She firmly believed in helping to guide the youth in a positive direction. Her belief that Christ was no longer a major priority to the people of her generation was a driving motivation. "A Good Man is Hard to Find" shows Flannery O'Connor's concern for the …show more content…

Her characters never seem to find their redemption until they find God at the end. People of Christian faith have often criticized O’Connor’s works for being immoral, but in actuality, she writes about these extreme situations and portrayals of wrongdoing to express the power of God in a positive light. O’Connor both gracefully and skillfully shows the immoral character of the Misfit as well as the enlightened character of the grandmother. The characters in “A Good Man is Hard to Find” evolve through a sort of metamorphosis. There are changes that occur in their views of the world and their perceptions about life and death. In this body of work, we see those changes occur in the Grandmother and in the Misfit. The Misfit is shown to be constantly experiencing a deep inner struggle with his own convictions. We see this clearly in his conversation with the Grandmother. O’Conner’s skillful portrayal of the Misfit helps the reader to detect some obscure details of his behavior. These details, his gestures, his speech, and his thoughts are key elements in determining the Misfit’s state of mind. We see the grandmother become timid over the course of the story. She seems to have some type of identity crisis. Starting off bold and confident, we see the Grandmother very humble and timid by the end. Her ideas of what she should look like and how she should talk no longer mattered. O’Connor also shows that the Grandmother’s idea of a southern

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