
International Organisations Encouraged International Peace And Amity

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After the First World War, there had been immense destruction and loss of lives. The world existed in anarchy, a solution was needed to prevent another disastrous war and maintain peace in the future. The solution was the League of Nations that would ensure that there would be no scope for bias and selfish needs of states to expand territories. The creation of the Leagues of Nations was the first step towards what was going to become an integral part of International Society-International Organisations in the form as we see them today. With the help of the theory of liberalism, the purpose of this paper is to better understand how International Organisations encouraged international peace and amity. I aim to explain how globalization has made the theory of realism almost redundant, how a liberal theoretical approach is more significant and using this approach to understand why this view made and continues to make International Organisations critical to peace and how they have helped in the past. The paper will focus on the United Nations and Amnesty International as key organisations.

The definitions of keywords that will appear repeatedly in this paper and are critical for understanding the central idea of the paper. Firstly, an International Organisation is “a form of institution that refers to a formal system of rules and objectives, a rationalized administrative instrument (Selznick 1957: 8) and which has ‘a formal technical and material organisation’ (Duverger 1972:

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