
Internet Marketing : A Marketing Platform Essay

Decent Essays

The internet was not designed as a marketing platform. However, after its privatization came an explosion that was mainly directed at internet marketing. By 2013 it had led to internet being integral to marketing. With it the four giants of internet marketing came into being. The four giants ruled the four sectors of the internet marketing. Google dominated online advertising, Amazon online retailing, Facebook social networking and Apple the making of interface devices which defined peoples digital lives. Amazons global revenues touched $57 billion in 2013. It had become the giant of the e-retailing world. Google starting from its search engine became the ad giant with 97% of its revenues coming from advertising in 2012. Around half of the ad revenue was earned from the US advertisers. Apple which was only a hardware manufacturer in the pre internet age grew to become a $600 billion public company and the most valuable one of all times too.
Apples i-phone, i-pad, smartphone applications and Kindle platform all led it to become the giant of the mobile internet. Further peoples internet experience was transformed with the growth of the Facebook. By 2014, at least there were 153 million people in US that visited the Facebook in 2013. While Facebook had started dominating the social networking it was relatively sower when it came to attracting advertisers before to Google. It displayed one fifth of all the display advertising impressions in 2012, still its presence in this area

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