
Internet Privacy Essay

Decent Essays

This essay will discuss the way social networking sites affect the nature and limits of privacy. There are various social networking websites e.g. Facebook, MySpace, Youtube, Twitter, Google Buzz, and many others with various privacy settings and in the past several years billions of people have joined these social networking sites.

Social networking sites give their users an easy way to share information about themselves. However, many users are quickly finding that the information they intend to share with their friends can all too easily find its way into the hands of the authorities, strangers, the press, and the public at large. For example, job recruiters are looking to these sites as well as performing more traditional background …show more content…

Accessibility privacy is defined as “One’s physical being let alone free from intrusion into one’s space” (Tavani, pp. 137, 2010). Second view of privacy, Decision privacy, defined by Tavani (pp. 137, 2010) is “Privacy defined as freedom from interference in one’s choice and decisions”. However, third and last view of privacy, Informational privacy, defined by Tavani (pp. 137, 2010) is “Privacy is defined as control over the flow of one’s personal information, including the transfer and exchange of that information”.

Firstly we will investigate how accessibility privacy on social networking sites (SNS) is affected? As described by Tavani, accessibility privacy is about leaving one alone into his own space. Therefore, the obvious state of accessibility privacy’s violation is the presence of someone around one who needs privacy. However, it can be argued that accessibility privacy is exposed when SNS collects information about a user’s IP address and location. As said in Facebook’s (2010) privacy policy “Access Device and Browser Information: (…) we may collect information from that device about your browser type, location, and IP address (…)”. This privacy policy of Facebook shows that while we interact with the respective website, we are located by SNS. This means we are not alone into our own space and thus accessibility privacy is violated. It can be further argued that the accessibility privacy can be violated by using

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