
Interpreting Qualitative Research In College

Satisfactory Essays

To find out what prospective students value most in choosing a college the head of marketing might start with the interpretive research which falls into the broader category of qualitative research. Since for one consumer college is just a way of getting a better paid job to another is a way of living and experiencing knowledge. Therefore, finding out what creates value in the college experience and what a collage means to different people might generate different answers. These questions will provide very abstract answers. Moreover, interpretive research seeks to explain the inner meaning and motivation associated with specific consumption experiences. In order to have a successful research it cannot be used only one method. However, a good start would be with the consumer decision process research method. By using the qualitative data technique like interviews, focus groups, secondary data, observations and other means by which data are gathered. This will give answers …show more content…

This can be achieved by doing some surveys. This will help to find answers to the fallowing questions. Do our services meet our students needs? Is our place of business easy for students to access? Are our students able to access our business more easily than our competitors'? Do the advisors provide adequate service? Maybe our advisors require customer service training? Do our customers find it easy to do business with us? Do our customers like the layout of our stores? How recognizable is our brand? Finding answers to those questions will give us some insight on what prospective students value most in choosing a college. One of the advantages of using the quantitative research is that it can stand on its own and does not require deep interpretation. Usually, quantitative research better enables researchers to test hypothesis. Also it is easier to look at a chart to see the

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