
Interpretive Analysis Essay: Rise Of The Planet Of Apes

Decent Essays

Leon Mugo
Film 214
Drew Ayers
December 2nd
Interpretive Analysis Essay: Rise of the Planet of the Apes All Lives Matter
Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011, Directed by Rupert Wyatt) establishes the power of the relations among the characters. Their roles in the film shows their assistance and belief in their leaders plan (Caesar) just like two dream characters. This movie deals with a great number of problems that appear in everyday social life. If you examine the story and look closer, it is very easy to come up with a conclusion that the movie is not all about the apes, but deeply about mankind. It is a tale about human lifestyle/condition or way of life and the way humans connect with their natural environment and with apes. The …show more content…

A true home for an animal is in the nature and to have freedom to do whatever pleases them, Rise of the Planet of the Apes increases problems that involve animals. All throughout the movie, an animal-centric point of view is examined and released. Even though the film was in PG version, the issue was because of animal experimentation. The film created these issues because it showed us how apes were kept as pets or even how shelter homes for animals were providing animals to testing facilities just to better themselves or to enlarge their company by making more money. Humans cannot get enough of apes because we are always testing them like a lab rat to raise our paycheck. Not only do we not care about the apes, we have absolutely no care for our own kind. For example, if it was legal to test a human being first they would have no doubt in their mind because at the end of the day they are getting their paycheck regardless. We find cures through experimenting on apes. Humans are self-hearted and do not think about the apes as a living animal, if so we would not be risking their lives testing on them like a lab project. Humans value money more than life. But that is what the tale lays down for us to

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