
Into The Wild Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

Christopher McCandless age twenty-two embarks on his greatest journey that will forever make him famous in his journey and death. There is the argument that Christopher was psychotic for going out into the Alaskan Wild so unprepared without any proper tools or materials. Also, Christopher should have told his parents where he was going so they would’ve known where to look for their son so he could be safer and might of had the chance to survive. What you have to understand that, Chris McCandless approached it the way he wanted to approached it because some say he is narcissistic and only does what he wants and it's true, he is but that isn't negative it's what he wants, and shouldn't we all be able to feel free to do whatever we wish. As the reader, you can pick the side you agree with and have your opinion on Chris. Christopher McCandless wasn't crazy or psychotic, but instead a true example of a person who did whatever he wanted to be filled with joy. For the reader to understand Chris’s journey you have to understand Chris and where he came from. Chris came from a family that kept a secret from him for most of his life that he was a bastard child and his father was very abusive to Chris’s mother. Since Chris has found out about that this his view on his parents has been tarnished …show more content…

He was always polite when he meet new people on his journey. Also, before Chris left for his Alaskan journey “he would shortly donate all the money in the college fund to OXFAM America, a charity dedicated to fighting hunger (pg.20).” Christoper always liked to help people as well since he was young “would wander the seedier quarters of Washington, chatting with prostitutes and homeless people, buying them meals, earnesty suggesting ways they might improve their lives (pg. 113).” These are just a couple things Chris does that makes him a nice guy and to argue that he isn't crazy or does not think about

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