
Introduction And History Of Of Gmos

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Introduction and History of GMOs Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, have been in our food for nearly 20 years. These modified organisms have helped the United State’s agriculture industry explode. GMOs were first patented in 1980 initially for a bacteria that would help contain oil spills. ( This patent was actually the first patent on a living organism, that went the whole way to the Supreme Court, which ended in a five to four in favor of the patent. In 1996 the first GMO crop, being Round Up ready soybeans, were introduced to the public for purchase for the first time. ( These crops were genetically modified to be resistant to a certain herbicide called Round Up. This herbicide was used to help control weeds that grew in fields. Many farmers use these types of genetically modified seeds along with no till farming to help prevent soil erosion, as well as to help keep moisture into the ground. Corn, along with many other crops were later introduced to farmers as Round Up ready. Genetically modified organisms are not just for weed control. They can also be used for producing fruits and vegetables that are much larger than non GMO fruits/vegetables. (Jabr) Before genetic modification, a vast amount of bananas were very small in size. They also contained a large quantity of seeds. Today if you go into a supermarket, bananas are very large and seedless. ( This can be seen in much of today’s produce, primarily because consumers

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