
Introduction. Operation Strategies Aligned On The Internal

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Operation strategies aligned on the internal or external customer and fortifying customer relationships pave a way to latter-day organizations to get a competitive edge on the market and make a significant profit. This signifies that enterprises must evolve their skills in relation to identification of customer needs and hopes and then dispense substantial benefits to their customers resulting satisfaction therefrom. Construction and development of customer relationships are conditions for synergism. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is both a business operation strategy and information system, which ensures the efficacy of the implementation of the strategy. According to Frow & Payne (2005), CRM may be defined as “the …show more content…

Here integrated data based on specific criteria (e.g. sales, profits) is used by data mining tool which further evaluates the data based on the defined criteria, e.g. compares the characteristics of one customer with another, which leads to the determination of a customer segment and henceforth provides the basis for a targeted marketing campaigns (Alt & Puschmann, 2004).
3. Collaborative CRM: focuses on customer integration that uses systematized mix of interaction channels e.g. online shops, and call centers. Collaborative CRM allow all organizations along the distribution channel, as well as all the operations in an organization, to work together and exchange information about customers (Alt & Puschmann, 2004).
Roles and Scope of CRM
1. Sales Forecasting: According to Buttle (2009), There are various techniques under CRM, that can be used for sales forecasting.
• Qualitative methods: customer surveys and sales team estimates.
• Time-series methods: moving average, exponential smoothing, time-series decomposition. • Causal methods: leading indicators regression models.
Sales forecasting helps a company to manage and calibrate its inventory efficiently. “IT-enabled purchasing processes deliver higher levels of accuracy in stock replenishment (Buttle, 2009).” Electronic data interchange (EDI) allows suppliers and customers to trade electronically. “EDI involves the

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