
Irony, And Structure: How Do Authors Protest War

Decent Essays

Imagery Irony, and Structure: How Do Authors Protest War? War is a horrible and devastating event that hurts many people in many ways. This something many people have to cope with. Authors are among those who have to cope with war as well. Many people cope different ways but authors cope by protesting war. To do this authors use imagery, irony, and structure. Writers used imagery as a way to show how graphic and disturbing war can be. In the poem (Doc. D) the author describes how he would be “ killing women or even watching women get killed”. This is used to show the violent and disturbing actions many people have to do while at war. Another author describes how he saw (Doc. B) someone “ yelling out, stumbling, and floundering like a man on fire”. This shows how on a daily basis many soldiers saw events that would mentally scar them. In Document D the author describes how he would have kill men and keep shooting them to make sure they were dead. This is used to show how graphic the life of war was. The use of imagery is an effective way to show how disturbing the war is. …show more content…

In Document A the author claims that “ war is kind” as a use of irony. This shows emphasis on how unkind war is or can be. In Document A the author also claims that “ these men were born to drill and die”. This is ironic because none of the soldiers ever had the intention of going into war to die. Also in Dickinson’s poem (Because I Could Not stop for Death, Line 1-3) she describe show Death kindly stopped for her as a means of irony. This is ironic because most don’t see death as kind but due to the circumstances most people would have preferred death over the continues suffering of the war. Irony is an important style to use when protesting

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