
Is Forgiving Student Loan Debt A Good Idea?

Decent Essays


In the article “Is forgiving student loan debt a good idea” by Kayla Webley, a writer for Time, Webley feels that from a human standpoint forgiving student debt holds some appeal (2). Kayla Webley refers to Robert Applebaum who started a petition in 2009 with a petition of nearly 670,000 signatures. The comments from persons posting the petition are quoted as “guessing this will never happen but it can’t hurt to sign on” (1). Burdened with an estimated $88,000 in debt, Applebaum’s proposal is to provide a one-time bailout, of student loan debt-as a way to stimulate the still limp economy (2). Webley goes on to explain that such a plan has a problem. The problem being is that with an educational bailout most borrowers who can and should pay off their student loan would take this bailout, along with the students who really can not afford their loan payments and need the relief from their student loans. In Webley’s words “If forgiveness from a bailout was offered, who wouldn’t take the handout (3).
Kayla Webley states concerns around Applebaum’s plan which involves fairness. One question Webley brings to my attention is, why should taxpayers especially those who never attended college in the first place cover the cost of the borrowers education (3). On one hand Webley brings up a valid point. Why should taxpayers pay for a college tuition for someone who possibly never held a job or for that matter ever paid taxes. On the other hand though if the taxpayers vote to

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